Enhanced Survey Data Dashboards: The Latest Update

The survey research team is delighted to announce the newest updates to our survey dashboards and invite you to explore comprehensive trend data regarding our students, graduates, and faculty.

  • The Undergraduate Exit Survey and Graduate Student Exit Survey dashboards have been updated with data from the last four administrations and allow users to evaluate our graduates’ overall student learning experience and identify areas of student concern.
  • The CIRP Freshman Survey dashboard includes five years of trend data and assesses the characteristics, attitudes, and behaviors of our incoming students.
  • The NSSE Survey dashboard, updated with data from the last two administrations, offers insight into the extent to which students engage in practices linked with learning outcomes, personal development, student satisfaction, and graduation.
  • The HERI Faculty Survey, administered triennially, offers invaluable insights into faculty experiences nationwide and our dashboard contains data from the last three administrations. To obtain access, please reach out to the UDS team via