Exit Survey of Graduate Students (Outcomes survey)
Survey population: All 2018-2019 exiting graduate students
Survey population: All 2018-2019 exiting graduate students
Incoming 2019 first-year students (18+) before they experience classes at Northeastern.
Summer 2019 NUterm enrolled and non-enrolled students (rising sophomores)
Population: May 2018 DPT Graduates
Population: 2019 DPT Graduates
Population: May 2019 UG and GR graduates
Population: August 2019 graduates
Survey population: All 2019-2020 graduating Master's and PhD students (CPS excluded)
CPS faculty
Survey population: All 2019-2020 graduating seniors
Biannual residential survey administered by Residential Life Population: Undergraduate students who reside on campus
A random sample of enrolled undergraduate and graduate students.